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Martial Arts First Aid

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You simply work your way through 12 modules of the course, by down loading your course manual, watching the online videos and completing each module with a simple online assessment.

Once you have completed your course you can download your certificate of complete straight away!

You can also review the course as much as you want up to 8 months after completion!

The BJJAGB has negotiated a special rate for all its members.

Please see your chief instructor for all details and how to proceed.

  • 12 Part modular course
  • Work at your own pace
  • Download your course manual
  • Download your certificate of completion
  • Accessible
  • Affordable – Only £29.95 (plus VAT)
  • Relevant

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BJJA GB statement

To all members, participants, and stakeholders in the British Ju-Jitsu community, The British Ju-Jitsu Association Governing Body (BJJAGB) is dedicated to fostering a positive and