Obituary to Sensei Michael Player 9th Dan

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It is with deep sadness and regret that I write this.

To all members of the British Ju Jitsu Association GB I have the very sad duty to inform everyone our personal and good friend Sensei Michael Player has passed away.

Michael has been fighting Dementia for some time and going through some very difficult periods that this terrible condition brings.

He will always be remembered for being a Gentleman both on and off the mat and for being a tremendous Martial Artist and even  Hip operations did not deter him. His wide breadth of knowledge, technical expertise and guidance was something we all admired.

Our thoughts and prayers go to all his family. It is even with greater regret that due to the retrains of the current situation we all find ourselves in that we are unable to attend or even send a representative to honour this wonderful Sensei and friend.

No obituary can truly spell out our thoughts and feelings at his passing.

But to our friend we all know as “Micky” May your legacy remain in Ju-Jitsu and continue to grow within your students.

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