How do I Start?
Ju-Jitsu is a great sport for everyone from school age to any age. Here are some frequently asked questions about the sport and where to start:
It is most important to start correctly with a registered club. The BJJA is the official Governing Body for Ju-Jitsu in the United Kingdom. Clubs registered with the BJJA provide qualified coaches and you can obtain an up-to-date list of such clubs in your area from the Head Office or contact us for more information.
The BJJA structure is designed to ensure that qualified Coaches deliver safe, quality Ju-Jitsu. The Coach award system is widely regarded as being one of the best in the world. All BJJA Clubs are required to have a qualified BJJA Coach who holds a current First Aid Certificate and full personal indemnity insurance. The Association has a strict child protection policy and ensures all Coaches complete personal disclosure documents prior to being granted a Club licence.
When you first start, comfortable training clothes (T-shirt and joggers) can be worn. Once you decide to join and continue training, our Clubs can supply Gi’s (training suits) at reasonable rates and as you progress through kyu grades, all the weapons required for Ko-budo’s (weapon training).
Ju-Jitsu training can start from as young as five to any age as long as you are reasonably mobile.
Although the accident rate is low, Ju-Jitsu is a close contact tough combat sport. It is therefore wise to have a licence, which gives accident insurance cover. The licence will need to be renewed annually as part of your subscription.
Ju-Jitsu class structure usually starts with a warm up, then Ju-Jitsu techniques. This process inevitably improves general fitness, flexibility and improves stamina which equips you better for the rigours of day-to-day life.